afforded to an officer. This provision is fair to officers and reduces the free AMUG membership liability by two years.
Other changes: The new By Laws provide for additional checks and balances on expenditures between the Executive Board and the President, expanded job descriptions for new and current officers, and an expanded purpose of community awareness and additional focus on education.
I would like to congratulate the Executive Board on updating the Constitution and By Laws and look forward to your support and attendance at the March meeting. These
new additions to
our Constitution
and By Laws will
help AMUG grow!
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Elections: The new By Laws provide for elections every two years at the regular September business meeting. The reason for the change in term is to allow a President time to put his plans in action. An election each year has an effect of instability on the organization. As a result it was felt AMUG would be better served with elections every other year. Language was also added that no one may be nominated or hold more than one elected office at a time.
Officer Dues: The past By Laws provided a three year membership for an officer after serving AMUG for one year. This section was changed to provide membership to the officer during his/her period of service and any officer serving more than one year will receive a one year membership upon resignation. No other compensation is to be